Fellowship Recipients
Carbon Fellows
Congratulations to the following students awarded the prestigious Michael and Dorothy Carbon Fellowship Program!
Carbon Fellow Recipients
Fellow | Term | Mentors | Project |
Rachel Abbe | 2023-2025 | Robert Morrison (Pychology), George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science) | Enhancing Default Mode Network Connectivity: Experimental Neuroscience and Computational Methods |
Spencer Dzyacky | 2023-2025 | Shane Lishawa (SES), Bo Zhang (SES) | Evaluating the effects of wave action and freighter wakes on the distribution of wetlands and invasive plant species in the Great Lakes |
Madeline Ganshert | 2023-2025 | Dali Liu (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Manisha Ray (Chemistry and Biochemistry) | Label-Free Elucidation of Mechanism of GabR Transcription Regulation with Compensated Interferometry |
Rohan Jaiswal | 2023-2025 | William Rochlin (Biology), Brian Cannon (Physics) | Investigating Epithelial EphA1-ephrinA1 Binding in Embryonic Rodent Lingual Epithelium |
Elise Stagaman | 2023-2025 | Michael Burns (Biology), Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Evaluating the role of the microbiome as a potential modulator of racial disparities across CTCL patients |
Luke Baumel | 2022-2024 | Nicholas Baker (Psychology), George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science) | Improving Object-Shape Sensitivity in DCNNs through Training with Non-Diagnostic Texture |
Diego Capetillo | 2022-2024 | Robert Morrison (Pychology), George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science) | Enhancing Creativity Through Stimulation of the Default Mode Network: Experimental Neuroscience and Computational Methods |
Sandra Jablonska | 2022-2024 | Michael Burns (Biology), Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Characterizing Niche Specialization Sites in Staphylococcus epidermidis |
Emma McBride | 2022-2024 | Zach Waickman, (SES) Ping Jing (SES), William Honig (Computer Science) | Development of a Socio-Scientific Air Quality Data Interface: A Pilot Study of Chicago¿s Inter-Campus Shuttle System |
Desha Perera | 2022-2024 | Dali Liu (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Tatiana Esipova (Chemistry and Biochemistry) | Engineering a FRET Biosensor specific to GABA with GabR |
Trinity Bauer | 2021-2023 | Margaret Guy (Psychology), Timothy O'Brien (Mathmatic and Statistics) | The Impact of Community Integration on the Other Race Effect in Infancy |
Katherine Konczak | 2021-2023 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Ken Olsen (Chemistry and Biochemistry) | Molecular Modeling and Synthesis of Bis-Sulfonate DapE Bacterial Enzyme Inhibitors as Potential Novel |
Christine Severude | 2021-2023 | Jennifer Mierisch (Biology), Heather Wheeler (Biology) | Identifying the Transcriptional Targets of Notch in Drosophila Testes |
Kristina Tsakos | 2021-2023 | Brian Ohsowski (SES), Drew Monks (SES) | Exploration of Innovative Ecological Restoration Tools to Reduce Road Salt Impacts and Invasive Species Dominance in Great Lakes Freshwater Wetlands |
Patrick Chan | 2020-2022 | Vincent Chen (Engineering), Yu Wei-Ming (Biology) | Mapping the Somatosensory Imagery Using Coded Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Electroencephalography |
Hanna Cruz | 2020-2022 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Swarnali Banerjee (Mathmatics and Statistics) | Investigating the Role of Bacterial Communities in UTI Symptom Progression |
Maya Roytman | 2020-2022 | William Rochlin (Biology), F. Bryan Pickett (Biology) | Investigation of Axon Pathfinding in Caudal Fin Regeneration of Zebrafish |
Sydney Samoska | 2020-2022 | Robert Morrison (Psychology), Joseph Vukov (Philosophy) | Opening the Mind: Brain Stimulation, Theory and Practice |
Thomas Stanila | 2020-2022 | Michael Burns (Biology),Catherine Putonti (Biology) | The Role of Caffeine, Nicotine and Theobromine on the Biodiversity and Function of the Human Gut Microbiome |
Emily Hodge | 2019-2021 | Dali Liu (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Brian Cannon (Physics) | Structural analysis of YczR using x-ray crystallography and single molecule flourescence resoance energy transfer |
Laura Maskeri | 2019-2021 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Dmitriy Dliguch (Computer Science) | Genetically engineering phages for therapeutic use in treating UTIs |
Maggie O'Brien | 2019-2021 | Shane Lishawa (SES), John, J. Kelly (Biology) | How does time since invasion by hybrid cattail affect wetland soil microbial communities |
Vraj Patel | 2019-2021 | Michael Burns (Biology), Jordan R. Beach (Stritch) | Role of curcumin on composition & function of human gut microbiome |
Peter Fiorica | 2018-2020 | Heather Wheeler (Biology), Gregory Matthews (Mathematics and Statistics) | Optimizing Imputation Performance for the Genetics of Neuropsychiatric Traits in African American Cohorts |
Zoa Glab | 2018-2020 | Robert Morrison (Psychology), Joseph Vukov (Philosophy) | Effects of Moral Context on Cognitive Processing of Violence |
Taylor Miller-Ensminger | 2018-2020 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Swarnali Banerjee (Mathmatics and Statistics) | Effects of Estrogen on the Bacteria and Bacteriophage of the Female Urinary Microbiome |
Audrey O'Niell | 2018-2020 | Dali Liu (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Graham Moran (Chemistry and Biochemistry) | Study and Engineering of Chromate Reductases NfoR and YieF for Bioremediation |
Angela Andaleon | 2017-2019 | Mark Albert (Computer Science), Heather Wheeler (Biology) | Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Cholesterol Traits in Diverse Populations |
Denis Cipurko | 2017-2019 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry) Dali Liu (Biochemistry) | The Use of Novel GABA Analogues for the Inhibition of GABAergic Enzyme, GabR, in Probiotic Bacteria |
Jason Jackson | 2017-2019 | Howard Laten (Biology), Qunfeng Dong (Public Health Services) | Investigating the Role of LTR Retrotransposon Insertions in the Domestication of Soybean |
Nick Predey | 2017-2019 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Konstantin Laufer (Computer Science) | Decoding the Genetic Diversity of Viruses through Gene Networks |
Elana Baltrusaitis | 2016-2018 | Dali Liu (Biochemistry) | Determining OTUD6B: A Novel Cancer Research Strategy |
Andrea Garretto | 2016-2018 | Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Phages of the Human Bladder |
Paul Risteca | 2016-2018 | John Kelly (Biology) | Interactions between microplastic, persistent organic pollutants and microbes in rivers |
Saad Kothawala | 2016-2018 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry) | Structure-Function Relationship of Oncogenic G-Proteins |
Maxwell Moore | 2015-2017 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry), Dali Liu (Chemistry | Targeting Vitamin B6 Biosynthesis Through PdxR: A Novel Antimicrobial Strategy |
Leann Ngo | 2015-2017 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Invasive Plant Biomass: Phytoremediation of Contaminated Sediments in the Grand Calument River |
Suraj Sheth | 2015-2017 | Bryan Pickett (Biology) | Using Mutant Troponins to Study the Developmental, Functional, and Regenerative Aspects of Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy |
Jorge Yanar | 2015-2017 | Robert Morrison (Psychology) | Development of Neural Connectivity Toolbox for Human Scalp Electroencephalography Recordings and its Application to the Study of Cognitive Aging |
Katherine Bruder | 2014-2016 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Susan Baker (Stritch) | Pushing Phages to the Genomic Limit |
Kaitlyn Lovato | 2014-2016 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry), Kenneth Olsen (Chemistry) | Creating the Next Antibiotic: Identifying and Synthesizing Inhibitors of DapE |
Patrick Canniff | 2014-2016 | Tham Hoang (SES), Timothy Hoellein (Biology) | Determining microplastics in the sediment of Lake Michigan and potential effects though the food chain |
Volodymyr Didorchuk | 2014-2016 | Howard Laten (Biology), Mark Albert (Computer Science) | Impact of retrotransposons on plant evolution |
Jonathon Brenner | 2013-2015 | Catherine Putonti (Bioinformatics), George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science) | Unearthing Genomic Fossils of Symbiotic Relationships |
Emily Cybulla | 2013-2015 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry), Dali Liu (Biochemistry) | Novel GabR Inhibitors as New Antibiotics for Cystic Fibrosis |
Maxim Maron | 2013-2015 | Tham Hoang (Ecotoxicology), Kim Williamson (Physiology/Immunology), Domenic Castignetti (Microbial Physiology), Domenic Castignetti (Microbial Physiology) | Screen of LOPAC using Flow Cytometric |
Nicole Minalt | 2013-2015 | John Kelly (Microbial Ecology), Aaron Packman (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University) | Characterizing the Ecology of Bacterial Biofilms within Municipal Drinking Water Distribution Systems |
David Baltrusaitis | 2012-2014 | Catherine Putonti (Bioinformatics, Biology) John Kelly (Microbiology) | CRISPs: A Hindrance to Viral Conquest |
Mouneeb Choudry | 2012-2014 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry), Richard Holz (Chemistry) | Synthesis of Potential Inhibitors of dapE Enzymes |
Natasha Vyas | 2012-2014 | Rebecca Silton (Psychology), Amy Heineke (School of Education) | Neural Correlates Associated with Executive Function Performance in Bilingual Individuals |
Paul Wadsworth | 2012-2014 | Dali Liu (Biochemistry), Ken Olsen (Chemistry) | Simulation Assisted Enzyme Engineering on N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonase, AiiA |
Miguel Barajas | 2011-2013 | F. Bryan Pickett (Biology), Catherine Putonti (Bioinformatics, Biology) | Understanding Embryo Patterning: Fetal Alcohol Effects and the Roles and Regulations of the Gene Raldh2 |
Sheena Hussain | 2011-2013 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry), Karie Scrogin (Stritch) | Development of Hemoglobin Nanoparticle as a Potential Blood Substitute |
Krista Reiling | 2011-2013 | Catherine Putonti (Biology), Dali Liu (Biochemistry) | Viral Evolution of Genomic Composition and Protein Structure |
Ashley Schon | 2011-2013 | Stefan Kanzok (Biology), Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Stress Response as Survival Mechanism for the Human Malaria Parasite during Mosquito Transmission |
Jennifer Gomez | 2010-2012 | Daniel Becker (Chemistry), John Kelly (Biology) | Carbohydrate Microarray Synthesis for Pathogen Detection and Capture (Featured in the Endeavors, ҹAV's research highlights distributed by Office of Research Services) |
Srividya Prasad | 2010-2012 | Jacob Ciszek (Chemistry), Douglas Natelson (Physics and Astronomy, Rice University) | Functionalization of Rubrene Crystals via Vapor Phase Reaction |
Bryan Quach | 2010-2012 | Catherine Putonti (Biology, Computer Science), Stefan Kanzok (Biology), Konstantin Laufer (Computer Science) | Computational and Experimental Analysis of the Malaria Parasite's Gene Expression |
Brian M. Sweis | 2010-2012 | Louis R. Lucas (Biology), Robert G. Morrison (Psychology) | The Behavioral and Neurochemical Analysis of the Effects of Chronic Stress on Mental Health |
Krishna Bharani | 2009-2011 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry), Miguel Ballicocra (Biochemistry) | Allosteric Mechanisms of Effector Binding on ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase |
Lauren Mogil | 2009-2011 | Howard Laten (Biology), Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Experimental and Computational Analyses of Retrotransposon-associated Satellite DNAs in the Genomes of Complex Organisms |
Emily Peterson | 2009-2011 | John Kelly (Microbiology), Richard Holz (Chemistry) | Development of a Bacterial Community Microarray |
Laurel Yohe | 2009-2011 | Louis Lucas (Biology), Duke Han (Psychology) | The Behavioral and Neurochemical Analysis of the Effects of Stress on Aggressive Behavior |
Donald Jonker | 2008-2010 | Howard Laten (Biology), Tom Gallagher (Microbiology and Immunology) | Expression and Function of Genes from the Soybean Retroelement SIRE1 |
Gennadiy (Gene) Katsevman | 2008-2010 | M. William Rochlin (Biology), Timothy O'Brien (Mathematics and Statistics) | Does Eph/Ephrin Signaling Contribute to the Divergence of Sensory Nerves During Embryonic Development? |
Alyssa Kuschel | 2008-2010 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry), John Olson (Biochemistry, Cell Biology) Rice University | The Effects of Mutations on Oxygen Binding to Myoglobin: Computational and Experimental Studies. |
Michal Olszewski | 2008-2010 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology), Pamela Geddes (Biology), Shane Lishawa (Biology), Alanah Fitch (Chemistry), and Daniel Larkin (Chicago Botanic Garden) | Effects of Invasive Plant Species on Wetland Denitrification and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. |
April Williams | 2008-2010 | Catherine Putonti, (Computer Science, Biology), Kimberly Williamson (Biology) | Methods for Recognizing the Adaptation of Pathogens to Host. |
Martin Bezener | 2007-2009 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry), Martin Buntinas (Mathematics), David Treering (Geographic Information Systems) | Air Quality studies in Chicago |
Christine Falaschetti | 2007-2009 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry), Miguel Ballicora (Biochemistry) | Molecular Mechanisms for the Control of Starch Production in Plants |
Frank Garcia | 2007-2009 | Ken Olsen (Chemistry), Michael Mardent (Biology, INSERM, Paris, France) | Computational and Experimental Studies of Oxygen Binding to Neuroglobin |
Tanya Grancharova | 2007-2009 | John Kelly (Microbiology), Pamela Geddes (Wetland Ecology), Timothy O'Brien (Mathematics and Statistics) | Impacts of an Invasive Plant Species on Nitrogen Cycling Bacterial Communities in Freshwater Wetland Sediments |
Undergraduate Research Fellows
Congratulations to the following students awarded the Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Undergraduate Research Fellow Recipients
Fellow | Term | Mentor | Project |
Madeline Palmquist | 2022-2023 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Impact of Hybrid Cattail (Typha × glauca) on Water Bird Diversity at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge |
Cynthia Nguyen | 2022-2023 | John Kelly (BIOL) | Cotton as a Model Substrate for the Analysis of Microbes in Streams |
Alexandra Risdal | 2022-2023 | Sam Schurkamp (SES) | Evaluating the impacts of invasive cattail and European frog-bit on northern wild rice (Zizania palustris) growth and germination |
Rowan Schul | 2022-2023 | Stephen Mitten (SES) | The Concentration of Heavy Metals and Pesticides Within Bird Feathers of Neotropical Migrants Found on ҹAV's Lakeshore Campus |
Amelia Schneider | 2022-2023 | Reuben Keller (SES) | Remote Aquatic Temperature Monitoring Systems to determine effect of Wastewater Outflows on Invasive Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Populations in the Chicago River |
Mary Walker | 2022-2023 | Chad Johnston (Engineering) | Infrared spectroscopy for the rapid detection and quantification of hexavalent chromium in urban soils |
Amelia Bergbower | 2022-2023 | Gaj Sivandran (Engineering) | Optimizing Microbial Communities for Digestion of Urban Food Waste |
Skylynn Roxo | 2022-2023 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Evaluating biochar feedstocks as an ecological restoration tool for nutrient adsorption under Typha-invaded, eutrophic wetland conditions |
Spencer Dzyacky | 2022-2023 | Drew Monks (SES) | Effect of Water Level and Nutrient Concentration on European Frog-Bit Turion Production |
Sydney Ware | 2022-2023 | Reuben Keller (SES) | Determining the effects of water quality on non-native invertebrates in the Chicago Area Waterway System |
Rowan Obach | 2021-2022 | Tania Schusler (SES) | CFPAC rapid response narratives |
Cassidy Redding | 2021-2022 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Developing Typha x glauca and Phragmites australis biomass prediction models using plant morphological characteristics |
Emma McBride | 2021-2022 | Zach Waickman (SES) | Aerobic digestion: characterizing the effects of food particle size on reduction of BOD and TSS prior to discharge in the municipal sewer |
Mitchell McGreal | 2021-2022 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Examining the effects of biochar as a potential soil remediation tool for the control of invasive Typha x glauca in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. |
Elizabeth Thilges | 2021-2022 | Drew Monks (SES) | Impacts of Great Lakes Typha invasion on anuran species |
Isabel Hoyos Arango | 2020-2021 | Mariana Valencia Mestre (SES) | Silvopasture systems in Panama |
Cassidy Redding | 2020-2021 | Brian Ohswoski (SES) | Evaluating the effects of plant invasion and water depth on nutrient concentrations in Great Lakes coastal wetlands |
Brennan McDonald | 2020-2021 | Gregory Palmer (SES) | Isolation and charcterization of microorganisms for use in anaerobic digestion |
Elizabeth Thiges | 2020-2021 | Drew Monks (SES) | Effects of invasive typha on anuran populations in the northern Great Lakes |
Isabelle Borkowski | 2020-2021 | Gregory Palmer (SES) | The social science of sustainability initiatives: anaerobic digestion |
Rose Mohammadi | 2019-2020 | Drew Monks (SES) | Constructing a habitat suitabilty model for invasive Hydrocharis morsus-ranae |
Eve Hemingway | 2019-2020 | Reuben Keller (SES) | Estimating Chicago waterbodies at highest risk for introduction of invasive red swamp crayfish based on proximity of vectors of introduction |
Justine Nguyen | 2019-2020 | John Kelly (Biology) | Interactions between adsorbed pharmaceuticals and microorganisms on the surface of microplastic contaminants |
Lucia Siman-Daboub | 2019-2020 | Zach Waickman (SES) | Evaluation of algae bioremediated waste water for reuse within the Institute of Environmental Sustainability |
Amelia Howerton | 2018-2019 | Tania Schusler (SES) | Understanding Minority Students' Participation in Environmental Fields |
Rena Belleville | 2018-2019 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | Typha x glauca and Waterfowl Food Availability in the Coastal Wetlands |
Maggie O'Brien | 2018-2019 | Brian Ohsowski (SES) | How Does Time Since Invasion Affect Seed Bank Persistence in Wetlands Dominated by Hybrid Cattail? |
Raul Lazcano Gonzalez | 2018-2019 | Timothy Hoellein (Biology) | Biofilm Community and Activity in Urban Streams |
Olivia Niosi | 2018-2019 | Drew Monks (SES) | Using Watershed Mapping to Examine Nutrient Inputs of Great Lake Coastal Wetlands |
Melissa Achettu | 2017-2018 | John Kelly (Biology) | Quantification of microplastic ingestion by fish and its relationship to watershed land use |
Paul Campion | 2017-2018 | Ping Jing (SES) | Determining the relationship between air stagnation and precipitation in the Midwest amidst global climate change |
Madison McMahon-Ward | 2017 | Tania Schusler (SES) | Documenting Participatory Planning in the Creation of La Villita Park in the Chicago Neighborhood of Little Village |
Victoria Calteaux | 2015 | Chad Eichman (Chemistry and Biochemistry) | Selective Transformation of Glycerol Waste into High Value Chemicals |
Samantha Keyport | 2015 | Brendan Carson (SES) | Impacts of Hybrid Cattail Invasion and Management on Methanogenic Microbial Communities in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands |
Amber White | 2014- 2015 | Zach Waickman (SES) | Achieving Net Zero: Making Biodiesel Wash Water Environmentally Sustainable |
Joshua Hittie | 2014 | Timothy Hoellin (Biology) | Anthropogenic litter and microplastic in urban streams: abundance, source, and microbial interactions |
Nowruss Mohammed | 2014 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | Air Pollution Studies in Chicago: Multivariate Statistical Analysis & Use of a Pollution Transport Model |
Sarah Naiman | 2014 | Tania Schusler (SES) | ¡Nos preocupamos por el medio ambiente también! (We care about the environment too!): an investigation of the environmental participation of Latinos in Chicago. |
Michael Floyd | 2013-2014 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | Simulation Modeling of the Development of Pollutants in Chicago |
Sean Kelly | 2013 | V. Bala Chaudhary (SES) | Mycorrhizal Fungi in Green Roof Soils |
Jennifer Kelso | 2013-2014 | Lain Vail (SES) | Using Halophyte Salicornia bigelovii to Purify Biodiesel Washwater |
Tapas Patel | 2013-2014 | Shane Lishawa (SES), Nancy Tuchman (SES) | Determining the sustainability of harvested invasive plant biomass for renewable energy production |
Ricardo Magallon | 2012-13 | Timothy Hoellin (Biology) | Abundance and Condition of Invasive Asian Clams (Corbicula Fluminae) in an Urban Watershed |
Timothy Nickels | 2012-13 | Bree Sines (Biology) | A Study of the Effectiveness of Container Gardening |
Reena Shah | 2012-13 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Serum and Lacrimal Fluid by Anion Chromatography |
Ali Siddiqui | 2012-13 | Tham Hoang (Center for Urban Environmental Research & Policy) | Selenium Uptake in Juvenile and Adult Florida Apple Snails (Pomacea Plaudosa): A Study of Contamination in the Everglades |
Kesha Baxi | 2011-12 | John Kelly (Biology) | Impact of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Soil Nitrogen Cycling Microorganisms |
Diana Deavila | 2011-12 | John Kelly (Biology) | Has Triclosan Pollution in Rivers in the Chicago Region Led to the Proliferation of Highly Resistant Bacteria? |
Samantha Hertel | 2011-12 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology) | Investigating the effects of the antibiotic azithromycin on stream bacteria and algae community composition |
Adam Pink | 2011-12 | Timothy Hoellein (Biology) | Freshwater Debris and Biofilms in Chicago-area streams |
Erin Throop | 2011-12 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology), Beth Lawrence (Biology) | Characterizing the potential of Great Lakes wetland invaders to produce biogas |
Anna Sjodin | 2010-11 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology) | The Effects of Azithromycin on Stream Ecosystems |
Ramunas Stanciauskas | 2010-11 | Catherine Putonti (Biology) | Exploring the Influence of Viruses on Lake Michigan Bacterial Diversity |
Tyler J. White | 2010-11 | Chris Peterson (SES), John Kelly (Biology) | Effects of Microalgal Species Identity on the Taxonomic Structure of Denitrifying Bacteria |
Emily Brand | 2009-10 | George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science) | The Ecological Footprint Diary |
Bradley Drury | 2009-10 | John Kelly (Biology) and Emma Rosi-Marshall (Biology) | Effects of Triclosan on Microbial Communities in Illinois Rivers and Streams |
Vinicio Reynoso | 2009-10 | Catherine Putonti (Bioinformatics, Biology) | Profiling Members of Microbial Communities Using New Computational Methods: An Examination of Diversity Between Lake Michigan Beaches |
Manpreet (Sonia) Singh | 2009-10 | Paul Chiarelli (Chemistry) | Waste Water Analysis |
Malachy Sullivan | 2009-10 | John Kelly (Biology) | Effects of Physical and Chemical Stream Characteristics on Periphytic Biofilm Composition and Function |
David Miceli | 2008-09 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology) and David Treering (CUERP GIS Specialist) | Mapping of Invasive Wetland Plants at Spring Bluff Nature Preserve |
Julia Peters | 2008-09 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry), George Thiruvathukal (Computer Science), Holly Kramer, Davide Shoham (Preventative Medicine), David Treering (GIS) | The Association between Pre-term Delivery and Air Pollution: A Novel Approach |
Katherine Policht | 2008-09 | John Kelly (Biology) | Impacts of Biosolids Additions on Nitrifying Bacteria in Agricultural Soils |
John Samuel Saliba | 2008-09 | Christopher Peterson (Natural Science) | Variation in Biomass Accrual and Establishment of Dentrification Activity in Stream Biofilms |
Yousuf Sayeed | 2008-09 | Emma Rosi-Marshall (Biology) | The Effects of Antihistamine on Aquatic Gastropol Livelihood |
Dovile Baniulyte | 2007-08 | John Kelly (Biology) | Assessment of Soil Microbial Communities in Surface Applied Illinois River Sediments |
Martin Bezener | 2007-08 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | Air Quality Studies Using the ҹAV Air Station |
Mariya Demidovich | 2007-08 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | Chemical Reactions Pathways of Air Pollutants in Chicago |
Sikandar H. Khan | 2007-08 | Emma Rosi-Marshall (Biology) | Measuring the Ecological Effects of Triclosan on Microbial Communities in Aquatic Systems |
Drew Lee | 2007-08 | Emma Rosi-Marshall (Biology) | The Effects of Antihistamine on Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Growth Rates |
Denis Agniel | 2006-07 | Timothy O'Brien (Mathematics and Statistics), Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | The Relationship Between Local Meteorology and Atmospheric Constituents |
Amit Bansal | 2006-07 | John Kelly (Biology) | Impacts of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Fungi Colonizing Leaf Detritus in a Temperate Woodland Stream |
Lane Barham | 2006-07 | Nancy Tuchman (Biology) | Does Invasive Enhance Nitrogen Fixation Relative to Native Plant Communities? |
Drew Lee | 2006-07 | Emma Rosi-Marshall (Biology) | The Ecological Impact of Urbanization on the Metropolitan Rivers of Chicago: The Proximal Effects of Wastewater Effluent on the Growth Rates of and Microbial Community Respiration |
Kyle Scott | 2006-07 | Martina Schmeling (Chemistry) | The Collection and Organization of Data Concerning the ҹAV Air Station |
Alvin H. Baum Family Graduate Research Scholars
Congratulations to the 2021 Fellowship recipients!
Natalia Szklaruk - Thesis Advisor Reuben Keller
A few of my research interests include aquatic ecology, invasion ecology, and public health. I have a passion for understanding the relationship between human activities and biodiversity changes and hope to support ongoing discussions about this relationship. My thesis advisor, Dr. Reuben Keller, has contributed enormously to these discussions, specifically within invasion ecology. His research has produced important work, and I am honored to have him working with me as my mentor. Along with my advisor, SES has supported me throughout my undergraduate years with excellent courses, intriguing discussions with peers, and opportunities to challenge my thinking. The constant stream of support from SES attracted me to continue my education here at ҹAV.
Dikshya Dahal - Thesis Advisor Tania Schusler
At SES, I am interested in understanding the role of marginalized communities in environmental management, and the impact of environmental degradation on women and children in both developing and developed countries.
Prior to joining SES, I worked in several community-based projects. I collaborated with childrens clubs, womens' groups, and stakeholders ranging from local representatives to higher-level governmental officials. This experience helped me understand the importance of the local community in solving environmental and social issues, which made me passionate to learn more about environmental management at the grassroot level. At SES, the research work of Professor Tania Schusler matches my interests and past experiences. Professor Schusler focuses on community education, participation, and stakeholder engagement in environmental management which helped me pair with her as my advisor.
A wide array of elective and core courses and generous financial aid attracted me to join SES. Additionally, the research conducted at SES will help me understand the scientific, social, political, and economic perspectives of the environment enabling me to meet my career goal of designing solutions to environmental problems through research and interventions at the grassroot level.
Sampson Hao - Thesis Advisor Gilbert Michaud
Thesis Advisor Gilbert Michaud
My research interest is the sustainable development of renewable energy in this country with a specialty in Utility-Scale Solar Energy. Currently, I am working on grant research from the US Department of Energy called “Mapping and Bridging Barriers in Knowledge Flows of How Solar Photovoltaics Affect Rural Community Economies.” I will be working on this research for the next two years and, right now, the first step is gathering the contact information of local officials, landowners, local media and interviewing them about their thoughts on solar farms in rural areas. Although I have not had a thesis topic yet, I do firmly believe that it will be in the field of sustainable development of solar farms in the Midwest.
My research advisor and I paired well because we have known each other for a long time. I met Dr. Michaud when I was still a senior in undergraduate school, and back then I have already had a strong interest in renewable energy development. In the past summer, I interned at Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council(SOPEC), which Dr. Michaud had worked with in the past. During my time with SOPEC, I gained knowledge about the energy aggregation program and community solar, and these are the necessary qualitative skills I will need for the grant research project.
What attracted me to the SES program is the utility-scale solar project, but I also hope to learn other skills during my two-year master's program. With a career goal of environmental consulting, I am currently taking courses to build my skills in sustainability assessment, GIS, and stakeholder mapping. SES program here not only allow me to do research on specific topics but also helped me become a well-rounded sustainability professional.
Carbon Fellows
Congratulations to the following students awarded the prestigious Michael and Dorothy Carbon Fellowship Program!